
Conley & Cornhole.

We got a chance to catch up with some old friends this past weekend. It seems like we’ve been so busy with work, the wedding, and social commitments to friends and family lately that we’ve just not had the time to see everyone and do everything. Friday we spent with the Lewis’s and the Stephens. Conley is a year old now and couldn’t be cuter and more agile. The girl is walking, dancing, eating, smiling, laughing, and just being cute like nobody’s business. Saturday was Mimi’s cookout with Chuck’s son & wife and his granddaughter that he hasn’t seen in 15 years. It was a great reunion and of course, we drank, ate and played cornhole.


From 4 wheels to 2....

Finally, my # of wheels.  Jared bought Brice his first dirt bike a couple of weeks ago and of course, we all had to take a turn trying it out while cooking out one night last week. Stay tuned for part 2 because Wyatt just got a new Yamaha yesterday and I'm sure we'll have to test drive that as well. : )


Just Ride....

~Do not go where the path leads, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.~
I just can't get enough of these kids, big & small.  Their hearts have the same desire and their souls are free when the gas is pinned and the wind is in their hair.


Our Wedding Shower!

My cousin threw one of her trademark parties for us for our wedding shower.  It was so overwhelming to have all of our friends and family come out and support us.  There was Mike's pulled pork, brunswick stew, baked beans, potato salad, slaw, cake, homeade jam for favors, and of course plenty of booze. Despite my falling into the pond during an intensive frog hunt, it was such a wondeful evening.  Luckily pretty much everyone was gone and only the kids witnessed my late night swim.  Only me.  I cant take credit for all the shots because Jared & Andy took most of them for me and Doreen caught the last shot which is my favorite.