
Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and
that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple
beauty of nature. I firmly believe that nature brings solace
in all troubles. –Anne Frank

It’s amazing how a beautiful sunset, a glass of wine, and the most wonderful family in the world can make you feel peaceful and content at the highest level.


Corey Smith @ Speed Street

"I'd get sunburned on a new tattoo, lose my favorite jeans and my tennis shoes
Get kicked out of my hotel room and sleep in the truck for a night or two
Blow all my money, have to call my dad and work two months to pay him back
Take bong hits and laugh like hell, flick the police off and get hauled to jail
If I could do it again I'd do it the same, not one regret I wouldn't change a thing..."

It is what it is...

It’s so refreshing to be around kids. Their honesty in expression and love is unmatched. They are pure and genuine and are free of all the issues that bog down adults. It’s inspiring really. They see the excitement and wonder of things for which we take for granted and forget about. They live in the moment and experience all of their emotions good or bad without burying them or pretending like they aren’t there. They live & love freely in ways that we should all strive for.


Have Mercy....

So, I’ve definitely abandoned my blog yet again. It’s probably because I know nobody reads it, but mostly I’m just busy. The last several weeks have been a whirlwind. Holidays, family, visits, friends, races, and concerts have helped kick the summer off right. However, I am now currently in dire need of detox, exercise, and sleep. I vow that the last three weeks of June, I will be on point. The wedding is only 90 days away and I am beyond ecstatic about marrying the best friend I’ve ever had. There are so many small details left to be done, but I am all about it. Anyway, wish me luck in my conquest for sobriety and fitness. I will need it.

Momma came to visit...

Janell got us hot passes to the All Star Race and it was ah-mazzzz-ing!

Brooks & Dunn with Jason Aldean...