Meet My Family

Ryan…… My sweet husband and the man that has tamed me.  He has saved me from myself and is the reason why I believe in things that are good and right. He’s grounded, dependable, reasonable, sweet, steady, loving, and understanding.  He has a way about him that brings out the best in me.

Chico….. My first true love. He’s been the best friend and companion that anyone could ever ask for. He’s the most loyal, faithful, neediest and craziest dog I’ve ever seen. He’s notorious amongst the circles I’ve traveled in and his bad attitude towards outsiders is legendary. We go everywhere together. I hate leaving him for any amount of time. His personality is infectious to me. He communicates, well, demands his needs, cries when he’s upset, growls when he’s mad, smiles when he’s happy and pouts when he doesn’t get his way. He is my baby.

Ace…… Ryan got Ace as a puppy before we met. When we started dating Ryan and Ace really had their hands full. Just picture two totally neutral and laid back boys, spending their time with two spirited, wild animals, like Chico & myself. Ace has Ryan’s personality. He’s sweet, gentle, loving and quiet. He’s not without fault, though. He still has a bit of a chewing problem, specifically my glasses, my watch, our gloves, our shoes, our pillows and our couch. He also likes to run away from home occasionally.

Hank……is a bad motherf*cker. Excuse my language, but just look at this handsome goat. His image is only enhanced by his attitude. He’s standoff-ish, keeps to himself, walks around like he owns the place and loves his momma. He was never one to let you pet him when he was little and he still doesnt really care to develop relationships, but he has gotten much more sociable since we first brought him home. He is a premium, dramatic fainter.

Jr……is the baby. He’s sweet, loving, gentle and loves to be around people. When he was a baby he loved to be held by anyone. He’d cry when we weren’t with him and would be in our laps the second we came back.  He loves Ryan. They always spend time together and he’ll follow him anywhere he goes. He is the vocal communicator of the goats.  He answers to his name and will say hello and goodbye as well as let you know when he’s hungry. He's also a fainter, but doesnt faint as easily as Hanky, nor does he stay down as long. He more or less just barrel rolls and it's done.