
October Ramblings.

• McRib AND Monopoly are back at McDonald’s. This is another amazing aspect of fall for me. Bbq sauce, onions, pickles, and a 1 in 4 chance to win. Sign. Me. Up.

• Carolina finally won a game. Thank you, Jesus.

• Halloween is coming up and I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s costumes. Ladies, let’s try to get a little more creative than the “sexy” cop or nurse. Everyone knows I like a scantily clad woman, but c’mon, that ish is SO entirely played out.

• All I want for Christmas is to see Willie Nelson in concert. I’d like to be front row, preferably for the contact high, but I’d settle for a few rows back. I’m currently in love with his cover of ‘The Scientist’. I’ve never heard the original from Coldplay and I never care to.

• Date nights are awesome. With commitments to family, friends, work AND a budget it’s hard to find time where we can go on a date, sit down and really connect. We went to Maxwell’s Tavern last night and had a really nice evening.



Coming to you from my snazzy new iPhone........



My cousin, Kelly is something else. She is the type of person that just never ceases to amaze me. I talked about her in this post. Not only is she a sharp shooter that can drop a deer and put meat on the table, she is a brilliant student with many academic awards under her belt. She is applying to attend the NC School of Science and Math in her junior and senior years and hopes to attend Duke University and become a doctor. She figures out how to do just about everything she sets her mind to, so let’s add a little modeling to the list. Kelly has had an agent wanting her to get a portfolio together so Doreen and I took her out to Waxhaw to see what she could do.  Seems like she figured it out, huh?