
Matt & Megan.

Seriously, you can NOT stop the good lookin’ on this blog lately. Up next, my handsome cousin, Matt and his BEAUTIFUL girlfriend, Megan. These two are so effortlessly stunning and natural in front of the camera that these photographs nearly took themselves.  Prepare to swoon….


The Wilson Crazies.

Eight years ago, when I told my mom I was moving to Charlotte, I remember her saying, “Talk to your father. I think you have a cousin there.” She was right. After one call from my dad and less than a couple of emails exchanged between her and I, my cousin, Doreen, opened her home to me. Exactly 8 years ago, (almost to the day) she picked me up at the airport, introduced me to everyone she knew, took me to interviews, scouring her personal networks to help me find a job, drove me all over to apartment complex after apartment complex (until we found the one I could afford, with the pool view and washer and dryer in the closet, score!), and gave me the comfort I would need to know that I could make it here. The Wilson’s took me in.  They shared their holidays with me, their vacations with me, their family dinners with me and gave me funny story after funny story to tell my friends (hence the name, The Wilson Crazies, which was given to them by one of my friends.)

The Wilson's made my move to Charlotte easy and gave me a home away from home. I had a warm, cozy place to drink wine and share stories with a cousin, who is like a sister to me, that I could relate to and lean on, no matter what high or low I was, or am, going through. For the last eight years, I’ve had a family to grow with and experience life with, and for that, I am unbelievably grateful and blessed.
Because the Wilson's know that I am an aspiring photographer and have always supported me through everything I do, they agreed to share with me, their last night with their oldest son before he moved to college, so that I could practice my photography and capture the family that I love and owe so much, The Wilson Crazies.