
He did what???

So, Jr.  broke his leg last Wednesday. Well, technically, he dislocated it in the joint, but realistically, it’s broken. He can’t walk on it and will have basically no mobility in it for the rest of his life.  He may eventually be able to use it as a peg leg, but that is the best case scenario.  He could have had surgery on it, but that was going to cost upward of 1300 dollars with lots of maintenance and no guarantees of a better result than simply setting and splinting it. Initially, we thought it was the result of another goat brawl where he gets it caught in Hank’s horns. We’ve seen it happen and it always looks like it will result in a broken bone. However, we spent a lot of time with the boys this weekend and after further inspection of Hank, who now looks more like a Texas longhorn than a goat, it seems to be pretty impossible that Jr.’s leg could have gotten caught in his horns. They are just too big and have grown so thick and close together that I don’t see how a leg could even fit.  Anyway, Jr. seems to be relatively unaffected by the break. He is still acting like his old self and making inappropriate advances towards Ace whenever he gets the chance.

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