
He Loves Me...

The one on the right.
He lives in the neighborhood by my house where I run. He is super affectionate and has a very chicoesque quality about him where he wants me all to himself and bullies the other horse out of his way until it’s just me and him. I don’t know his name, so I’m currently referring to him as Willard. Willie for short. Willie makes me miss having a horse to love, but one day, when we have more money for a new compound, I will have my own again. Until then, I will keep running to neighborhood next door to see Willie because he loves me, and for right now, that’s good enough for me.

Love in his eyes.


  1. Willie is so handsome, he would fit in nicely with the rest of your family. I can totally understand why he loves you.

  2. I've been wanting to go horseback riding for years and these photos stir up those desires all over again! Great pictures, as usual!

  3. The picture of Willie looking over the fence made me smile BIG. Great face!
