
Be Grateful.

I had a moment of enlightenment this morning. In retrospect it seems pretty obvious, but I thought I’d share it anyway.

Ryan and I had friends over for dinner last night and we drank entirely too much for a Sunday night, so waking up this morning was a little less than pleasant. I was having the hardest time getting motivated and had to force myself through getting up, brushing my teeth and making the coffee. I was thinking about all the things that I had to do today and was dreading every single one of them. At one point Ryan made a comment about how awful the day was going to be and normally I would have agreed with him and cussed my way through making our lunches, but not today. Without even hesitating I replied back with, “today is a blessing.” Now, I’ve never ever referred to any day where I feel slightly hung over and tired as shit, as a blessing, but today I did. I think that we all know that we should really appreciate our lives and not take one single thing for granted, but I wonder if we REALLY know this. Out of nowhere, I not only knew it, but I believed it. I believed it so whole heartedly that it made me change my attitude and take responsibility for the day. I sat down and thought about my life and all the things I was thankful for. I thought about my cousin James who is in a wheelchair healing his severely broken legs and it made me appreciate my legs and it motivated me to shut up about dreading my afternoon workout. I thought about what a great job I have and the wonderful people I work with and it drowned out my grumbling about having to go to work on a Monday. I thought about my family and friends and realized just how lucky I am to have today to share with them because we aren’t guaranteed any number of days here.

So, the moral of the story is.....Be grateful and give your best to each and every day like it was your last. Oh, and don’t drink on Sundays. : )

1 comment:

  1. That is all so true. I love that you share your thoughts and how you have grown. I love your talent in writiing and photography but what I love even more is the person you have become.
