
Happy Birthday, Chico!

Oh how the time flies. 8 years ago today, my little Cheeks was born in Shelby, NC. At 12 weeks he flew out of Charlotte, NC and into Burlington, VT to start his life as a Yankee. Little did I know that just a year later we’d be in Charlotte and living in his home state of North Carolina.
I know people think I’m crazy when it comes to my dog, but I can’t imagine life without him. We’ve been through everything together, all the scary times, all the heartaches and all the happy times. There isn’t a tear he hasn’t licked away or a smile he hasn’t shared with me. I couldn’t ask for a more loyal and loving dog.
Happy Birthday, my sweet boy. Thank you for never letting me be alone. You are the best doggy friend a girl could ask for and I'll always be grateful for you.

This was the actual color of the sky on the night this was taken. Everything was rose colored just after sunset.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Chico ! I know what Chico means to you and I too am grateful that you have him. I got chocked up just reading this. The sky must have been beautiful in the last picture.
