
Is the Grass Really Greener on the Other Side?

Let’s hope so, because dividing and conquering our yard seems to be the only hope. Obviously, the growing of grass is not exactly the most newsworthy of topics, however it will be a major milestone because Hanky and Jr. are really rough on our backyard. Yes, we do realize that we’re keeping farm animals in a fairly normal neighborhood backyard, but the space could possibly sustain them both if we gave it a fighting chance. Every spring our grass begins to grow in the bare spots, but goats are unable to resist any form of digestible vegetation, and they eat it up before it even has a chance to establish itself. So this year, we’ve decided to give the new grass a chance of survival by sectioning the yard off and keeping my little warrior beasts off of it. Wish us luck.

On a side note, Hanky does not appear in any of these photos because he is a little camera shy this time of year. He has already started to blow out his coat, looks a little ragged out, and is less willing to strike a pose for me.

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