

I’m sitting on the couch, watching tv, and snacking like it’s my job for the second day in a row now. After a couple weeks of gorgeous weather in the 70s and 80s, it did nothing but rain yesterday and it’s all of 45 degrees today. I’ve taken this drastic change in weather as a sign that I should drink wine and not go outside of my house. So far I’ve done laundry, yoga, and continued working on organizing all the photos on my pc. Here are a few that I’ve found so far…



  1. Great pictures but my favorite is the last one with you and Chico. There is nothing like a lazy weekend, glad you got to enjoy it.

  2. I hear ya about wanting less, Liz. I've often thought that people who will only drive SAABs and wear gigantic diamond rings are often the saddest and most screwed up people on the inside. I've often fought that urge in myself. Glad you're honing in on what you really love and what really matters...
