
Happy Holidays!

Is it really about to be Christmas?? I just don’t understand where the time goes. I’m sitting in my living room right now and I’ve got to say that I am SO loving the ambiance of a room lit only by Christmas lights. It feels so warm and cozy. It’s times like these that I really appreciate and feel the spirit of the holidays. I’m sitting here and feeling overwhelmed by how thankful I am to have such a blessed life. It’s a pretty great feeling to have and honestly, it’s helping me forget how far behind I am on my Christmas shopping and associated errands. Unfortunately, the holidays can also be a huge bitch.

So what’s new?

I quit facebook. I feel totally cut off from the world and it’s pretty awesome. There was no big catalyst for the facebook deactivation, but it had been coming for a while. I was checking it only out of habit every day and it wasn’t like I didn’t know who was going to be saying what. It had all gotten pretty typical. Unfortunately, the people I wanted to hear from, barely ever posted anything, so I didn’t really feel like I was getting that much out of it anymore. Part of me feels like facebook has the ability to stifle real, meaningful interaction too. It actually feels good to wonder what someone has been up to rather than knowing instantly. Being connected is great, but if it means the quality and meaning of your relationships dwindle, than what’s the point?

Pinterest is my new obsession. I think I’m pretty late to the party on this one, but seriously, It. Is. Awesome. Pinterest is a virtual pinboard where you can categorize the things you find on the internet. You can Pin images directly from Pinterest or from the web. For example, when I was planning my wedding, I would scour Style Me Pretty and Southern Weddings for ideas for colors, décor, details, etc. I would try and right click, save the image and put it somewhere on my computer or print it out and put it in my paper binder. With Pinterest, you just Pin the image onto one of your boards and call it a day. Then you can go back and find all of your ideas in one spot. They have so many categories to search through on their site and I’ve already found a ton of new recipes and decorating ideas. Check.It.out.

Review & Refocus. I’m fixin’ to dig up my “2011 Goals” post from the beginning of the year to see how I fared with all of that. I love reflecting back on the highs and lows of the year to see how I can improve and the direction I need to move in to do so. I’ve also been putting a lot of thought into my 2012 Goals and I’ll be getting all of that together over the next few weeks.

To round things out, here are a few more recent snaps of the boys.


  1. I love the last pic of Ryan and Ace. I kiss Jake like that all the time :)

    I also half-dumped facebook and feel way better. I'm not willing to cut it out completely yet for several reasons, but I've been checking in once/twice a week and it's so much less crazy-inducing. Glad it's working out for you!

  2. Your tree is beautiful ! Love that shot and it gives me that warm feeling too. Looks like its working on Ace as well. I love it when you only have the tree lights on. That is my main reason for wanting the tree, the time leading up to Christmas, more than just a place to put presents and open them. I love that feeling of peace and recognizing how belessed we are.
